Saturday, March 19, 2011

Makeover (Reg) III

I did my sister-in-law a makeover for no reason at all. She just came to our house and let me play with her face while she's there. She was kind enough to let me. :) So, let me introduce reg. :)

Sorry if I had to crop her photo. The camera's battery got empty before I was able to take her solo shot. Here's her before and after photo. The after-photo's cropped too. :(

I also used a gold mineral e/s on her eyes and blended it together with a green and black e/s. I will be discussing what I used on her below.

What I used on Reg:

Her face
Dollface concealer palette (conceal and contour)
Ellana Premium Blend Macchiato
Ellana Revive Concealer Powder
Ellana Translucent Espresso Con Panna

Her eyes
Ellana Twinkle MPM
Ellana Ethereal
Dollface 88 earth palette (brown on brows)
Nichido Black Liquid Eyeliner
Nichido Medium Brown Eyebrow Pencil

Her cheeks
Ellana Cupid
Ellana Butter Rum Coffee Hiliter

Her lips
Revlon Fleshtone Lipstick

By the way, have you entered in my giveaway contest already? If not, just click here:

Yours Truly,


  1. nice....but i like the gold and black more...hehehe

  2. @ debi: me too! I just think the gold and black smoky would be too much for Reg (my model/sis-in-law) that's why I made everything subtle-looking on her. :)

  3. Great job! :) I love the variety you gave. =D

  4. Thanks Michelle! A newbie needs encouragements like that ;)


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