Wednesday, October 9, 2013

First Real Hair Color

I just had my first hair color. Well, it's actually my second but the first one, which was last year was dark brown and was not really that noticeable.

My hair is really black. As in, jet black. And I was thinking, since black doesn't really flatter my skin much especially when I'm wearing black dresses/ clothes, why not change my hair color to something that will complement my skin tone?

So, considering this as my first real change of hair color, I tried researching on the best shade for medium warm skin tone. Some of the Hollywood celebs that appeared on my internet browser were Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and Jessica Alba. I would consider Kim K.'s skin color to be nearest mine. So, I downloaded a few that I liked the most.

Unfortunately, my husband didn't approve the highlights. To him it looks untidy.

Because of that, I resolved in using a hair makeover app/website to see what hair color would suit me. I used The experience was fun because you get to input your hair and eye color as they assess your hair's current state. Just make sure to input honest answers for it to be able to showcase the best color for you. You will also state when's your last treatment and hair color and other important stuffs.

After answering, I was given selected shades that the app sees suitable for me, given all my answers. I had different options from dark brown to soft black. I've chosen copper golden.

I was hoping this color would look great on me. Though I didn't really dislike the outcome, I'm still trying to get myself used to it.

Here's the end result. Copper blonde/ copper golden on me looks red in yellow lighting and yellow/ blonde in white lighting. Like I said, still getting used to it! :)

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