Friday, March 18, 2011

Giving Thanks

We sometimes arrive into a state wherein we think others are luckier than us. We envy other people's lives, what they have and how they live. We become ungrateful of what we have and already have. We fail to see that we are luckier than many. Then we also realize that there are people who think the same way towards us. They envy our lives, how we live and what we have. They became ungrateful of what they have and already have. They fail to see that they are luckier than many. Many people lives in this kind of diagram. Many fail to see how blessed they are. That's why today, I want to recognize how blessed I am with a good husband, good life and a good future filled with hope. My future's filled with hope not because I have an abounding bank account but, because I have a God who will bless my life exceedingly, abundantly and above all that I can think or ask. I'm filled with hope because of Him! This is the reason why I'm blessed. And for that, I am thankful. :)

Forever Yours,


  1. I have days when I feel like this as well. Glad to hear you're thankful and I think I needed this reminder as well. Thanks! :)

  2. Hi there :) thanks for following! I was MIA on my blog for a while but am now getting back at the comments!
    hope you're doing fine and I agree that we need to be thankful for what we have since people are suffering from earthquakes and tsunami in japan.

  3. Very nice and inspiring post and I totally agree with you. Especially with what's going on with the world right now, we really need to be thankful. This reminds me of 1Thess 5:18

  4. Glad this post inspired you girls. I was inspired writing this too.. :) We are truly blessed because of Him. He is our blessedness.

    @Aya: congrats to your blessedness! You won Ms. Eggplant's Stila giveaways right? :D

  5. Yeah! Super thanks talaga kay Sarah. I'm so excited :D


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