Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to determine your skin undertone :)

I started putting makeup when I was in college and I wasn't aware before that people have different undertones. So, if we knew each other during those days, you might see me wearing a light beige foundation/ powder over my golden tan face. Therefore, I always have an "espasol" or racoon look at that time (because my concealer's not the right shade too, haha!). Then, I met this new makeup brand...

My first (and last, cos I haven't really tried any other ever since) MMU brand taught me how to determine my skin undertone. It's the first time I've tried mineral makeup and I surely didn't regret the experience. The reason why is mineral makeup really blends well on the skin.

Anyways, when I bought my first MMU brand, Ellana Minerals, from their booth in SM Makati, the saleslady gave me a deep foundation shade for golden undertone and an olive beige concealer powder after I asked which product might suit my skin tone best. At that time,  my "anti-tan skin mentality" was arguing within me, telling me that I should get a shade lighter but still didn't do so since I was shy.

So, I didn't take the "dark/deep" foundation seriously since I was bitter about the shade and all, until my usual pressed powder cracked and eventually, became useless. Using a sponge, I applied the dark foundation shade on my face on top of the concealer and people started noticing the glow on my skin. One of my friends actually said that I was blooming (this ONE convinced me to like MMUs, haha!). It was at that time when I instantly became an MMU convert. My interest on MMU (Mineral Makeup) started to grow, then I made researches and eventually, signed up as a reseller (which was successful because a lot of my friends, colleagues and churchmates were loyal customers). So, here's what I learned about how to determine your skin undertone... All photos shown below are from Ellana Mineral's website.


Check out the veins on your wrist now! If your veins are mostly green, you have a warm undertone, if they're mostly blue, you have a cool undertone but, if you have a mix of blue and green veins, you have an olive undertone. Me? I'm under the warm/ golden tone... Most Asians and Filipinos are under this category.


In here, my skin falls in the "combination category", oily on the T-zone and dry on other parts... 


My skin falls under the Medium or Deep tone and my Medium or Deep toned foundation really blends well on my skin... My skin also tans really fast but doesn't get sun burned easily. The perfect shade won't make your skin look more darker or lighter. It will just enhance and complement your natural tone.

So there's how I determined my undertone!

Were you able to find yours?
Additional tip for the concealer: I know many makeup enthusiasts know this already but, to hide dark circles, you should get a beige/ cool toned concealer to be able to fight the darkened skin tone. Applying a yellowish concealer would only make the eye area greyish or ashen looking. Top the concealer with foundation after to make it blend. :)

From Yours Truly,

1 comment:

  1. hi! i'd really love to see the images above but i think they're not on ellana anymore. i wish you could check out/update the image source. thanks!


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